

Sex Toys & Phthalates

Many of us are very conscience about what we eat and drink, and opt for organic foods, vegetables and meats where we can.  We also use eco products for washing ourselves and our clothes.  However, when it comes to our sex toys ‘green’ is not always the first thing on our minds! What are Phthalates? Greenpeace has recently called on the European Union to ban the use of chemical plastic softeners in sex toys because they contain substances known as phthalates. Pronounced...

Loss Of Libido

Unfortunately it’s true….. it is very common for long-time partners to become less attracted to each other over time - it is also much more common in women rather than men. It is estimated that at any one time, several hundred thousand women in Britain are troubled by lack of libido. Fortunately, for many women, it is only a temporary phenomenon. Some will get over it by themselves - and a lot more can be helped by expert medical or...